Shoe Wear Evaluations/Custom Foot Orthotics

What are the different types of foot patterns and how do they show up on our shoes?

  1. Normal foot pattern: For someone with a normal foot pattern, the bottoms of your shoes would show wear on the middle of the heel (where your foot first hits when you walk) and on the middle of the balls of your feet (where you push off when you step).
  2. Overpronator: The bottoms of the shoes of overpronators show wear on the inside edges of your heels and on the inside edges of the balls of your feet (the side toward the big toe).
  3. Supinator: Supinators show wear on the outside edges of your heels and on the outsides of the balls of your feet (the side toward the pinky toe).

What sorts of problems are associated with abnormal foot patterns?

Overpronators, the problem is that their foot is too flexible.

  • Can lead to problems such as soft-tissue damage, hip pain and tendonitis.

Supinators have the opposite problem – they have feet that are too rigid. 

  • Can lead to stress fractures, IT band syndrome (a tightening of the ligaments connecting the pelvic and shin bones that can cause hip and knee pain) and bone injuries.

How can you address abnormal foot patterns?

If you are experiencing pain that you think may be due to your walking or running stride, the first line of defense is to switch shoes. 

If a change in shoes doesn’t help, then orthotics (removable devices worn inside shoes specifically designed to reduce abnormal foot motion or relieve stress to painful areas) may be a good option. Our trained physical therapists can help you determine what steps to take towards healthier feet.

If you’re experiencing pain, want to know more about potential problems with your gait or want to maximize your physical performance, consider undergoing a gait analysis at Comber Physical Therapy and Fusion Chiropractic to get personalized recommendations for how to keep active without damaging your body.

For more information, Contact us at our Williamsburg, VA clinics.