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Low Back Pain Relief

Low Back Pain Williamsburg

Nearly 8% of adults, 16 million people are experiencing back pain right now. This is also the most likely thing a physical therapist will treat on a daily basis. There are many causes of low back pain that can keep patients from doing activities they enjoy, and it is the leading cause of workplace disability. Working with a physical therapist can help you restore your muscle strength in your lower back, improve your range of motion, and get you feeling better.

What is low back pain?

Low back pain is pain along the lumbar area of the spine. Strains, fractures, disk injury, arthritis, disease, and spondylitis are all causes of back pain. Pain in the lower back can make it difficult to complete daily activities. Many patients find they get better with rest, but some require physical therapy treatment, cortisone injections, or surgery. You may experience symptoms including stiffness, spasms, muscle problems, or radiating pain.

Low back pain risk factors

Age, occupation, weight, lifestyle, structural problems, disease, and even mental health can put patients at risk for low back. Patients who are over 30 or overweight should be especially cautious of activities that involve heavy lifting. Certain activities put stress on the joints of the lower back which can cause chronic or acute pain. Almost 80% of people will experience low back pain at some point in their life.

What treatments are available to me at Comber Physical Therapy? 

Our Williamsburg physical therapy clinics offer services including physical therapy, massage therapy, and chiropractic care for low back pain. The initial stages of your physical therapy treatment for low back pain will be focused on providing immediate pain relief. Following that, our physical therapists and chiropractors in Williamsburg will broaden your treatment to include strengthening your core muscle group with specific therapeutic exercises.
This will improve your strength and range of motion, which helps you avoid re-injuring your spine. Our Williamsburg physical therapists will also teach you how to take care of your spine during daily activities like sitting at a desk or driving.
Your back pain treatment plan will differ depending on your diagnosis, age, weight, physical ability, and other factors. Your treatment plan may include any of the following: 

  • Education on how to take better care of your back, such as proper methods of lifting, bending, sitting, and sleep positions
  • Hot or cold treatments, or electrical stimulation, for pain relief
  • Posture work to provide better support for your back
  • Stretching and strength-building exercises
  • Manual therapy and spinal manipulation to improve joint mobility and relieve tissue pain

When you work with one of our physical therapists, you will learn proper movement strategies and learn how to carry out daily tasks in a manner that will help you avoid recurring pain.

Your progress through your recovery plan will be closely monitored by your physical therapist. At Comber Physical Therapy, our number one priority is to help alleviate your pain so you can get back to living the life you love. Contact Comber Physical Therapy and Fusion Chiropractic in Williamsburg today to request an appointment.