Spinal Stenosis Relief

Spinal Stenosis Relief in Williamsburg

What is spinal stenosis?

Spinal stenosis is a common back pain condition affecting the spinal cord and peripheral nerves. It tends to affect people as they get older.

In the spine, there are canals that are formed by the vertebrae in which the spinal cord passes through the nerves branching off it. With arthritis, wear and tear, disc problems, fractures, and injuries, the canals can become smaller. In fact, many of the vertebrae will change shape and even grow bone spurs into the canals due to abnormal stresses and strain on the spine!

If you or someone you care about is living with this condition, you know how limiting and difficult it can make everyday life.

Comber Physical Therapy and Fusion Chiropractic in Williamsburg offers physical therapy and chiropractic treatments for spinal stenosis. Call our clinic today to learn about our treatment options.

Symptoms of spinal stenosis

Common symptoms with spinal stenosis are back pain, which often radiates to the shoulders, arms, buttocks, or legs. Often numbness, severe pain, and burning sensations can occur with compression.

Many people also deal with compromised balancing abilities as well, leading to a greater tendency for falls. Patients with spinal stenosis also find it difficult to walk for 15-30 minutes without increased fatigue to the legs and even pain.

How can physical therapy and chiropractic help me?

Living with a condition such as spinal stenosis can prove to be very difficult and finding relief on your own is not always easy.

The good news is that with the right physical therapy or chiropractic treatment much can be done to reinforce the vertebrae by strengthening the muscles around the spine. Furthermore, by improving motion in rigid areas of the spine, regular loads on the spine can be better distributed.

Fortunately, targeted physical therapy and chiropractic treatments, such as spinal manipulation, can help manage the symptoms of spinal stenosis and provide pain relief.

Spinal manipulation is a treatment method that has been known to relieve a large variety of painful conditions, including spinal stenosis and its accompanying symptoms. It is a gentle, hands-on form of manual therapy that focuses on evaluating and enhancing spinal function. Spinal manipulation helps relieve pressure on joints, reduce inflammation, and improve nerve function.

How can I avoid developing spinal stenosis?

There are ways you can move your body to prevent this kind of condition from occurring and causing you problems, such as:

  • Avoiding activities that cause prolonged or repetitive extension of the spine, such as reaching behind you or overhead.
  • Practice hip strengthening exercises.
  • Avoid prolonged sitting, especially in slouched positions.
  • Have a physical therapist or chiropractor assess your spinal strength and your overall movement abilities.

Contact Comber Physical Therapy and Fusion Chiropractic for an appointment

If you or someone you love is living with spinal stenosis or experiencing symptoms and would like to find out for sure what their diagnosis is, call Comber Physical Therapy and Fusion Chiropractic to schedule an assessment.

Our physical therapists and chiropractors are trained specialists who can assess a variety of movement limitations and create customized treatment plans aimed at helping you feel your best. Call our office today so that we can help you get your life back on track!